Image owned by the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport
July 6. 2021 | United Airlines (NASDAQ: UAL), Announced the Return of Newark for the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport Tuesday.
With no Routes to New York, fliers were forced to connect in other citied in order to get to NY, or drive to New York.
Before Delta pulled out, they were the only Airline with direct New York Service, as United had moved EWR service for IAD in 2018, but since Delta has left Manchester, There was a gap in the route system and New York was no longer offered. With the Return of Newark, Travelers now have more options when it comes to connecting, and direct service to New York

United will be utilizing the Mitsubishi CRJ550 on the MHT - EWR Route (picture by Airways Magazine)
This New Route will begin on October 5, 2021, and will be Twice Daily beginning on October 6, 2021 on a Bombardier CRJ550. This is a Major win for MHT, and a great return of a popular route
_____________________________________ Time Table (Subject to Change):
October 5, 2021 UAL 4590 EWR -> MHT Depart: 10:10am EDT
Arrive: 11:29am EDT
Aircraft: CRJ550
UAL 4601 MHT -> EWR
Depart: 12:00pm EDT
Arrive: 1:33pm EDT
Aircraft: CRJ550
(c) MHT Aviation